When you need the BEST service and support available, contact us.

Why CompuDirect?
- We have the largest service and support facility on the Grand Strand - probably the largest in SC and possibly anywhere in the South East U.S.
- We have more CERTIFIED computer technicians
- We have the best test equipment available
- We have the quickest turn-around possible
- We have the most complete stock of replacement parts on the Strand
- On-site and in-shop repairs
- All this and our prices are among the lowest anywhere!
Computer Repair Capabilities:
CompuDirect repairs almost all types of computers and nearly all other computer-related items.
Are you tired of having to stay on hold hours on end trying to get computer support from some foreigner with bad English skills? That won't happen at CompuDirect! We offer 100% Myrtle Beach-based service and repair on virtually any type of computer hardware or software problem on:
- Network file servers, storage servers, and web servers
- Network cabling
- Network wireless systems
- Point of Sale (POS) retail cash register systems
- Desktop computers
- Laptop computers, hardware and software problems
- Printers and print servers
- Even unique items like computer generated signs, etc.
We offer several ways to help you save significant sums of money:
- Preventative maintenance plans keep your computers up to spec at all times
- Prepay service hours that never expire helps you leverage today and tomorrow's dollars.
- For those operating their own webservers we offer a security suite that will prevent even DDOS (denial of service) attacks cold, as well as clean and keep clean your entire fileserver.
CompuDirect is a full service company. If we can't do it, it can't be done!